Technical lectures
- A macrocosm principle for cartesian fibrations given at the Workshop on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics at the Fields Institute.
- A formal theory for ∞-categories, slides from the 2019 International Category Theory Conference in Edinburgh.
- The synthetic approach to ∞-category theory from the Summer School on Higher Topos Theory and Univalent Foundations at Leeds.
- The synthetic theory of ∞-categories vs the synthetic theory of ∞-categories given at the Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference at IAS; slides.
- A proof of the model-independence of ∞-category theory delivered at the workshop ∞-Categories, ∞-Operads, and their Applications at the Casa Matématica Oaxaca.
- A proof of the model-independence of (∞,1)-category theory, slides from a talk given at the 2018 International Category Theory Conference.
- The synthetic theory of ∞-categories vs the synthetic theory of ∞-categories, from the Homotopy Type Theory Electronic Seminar Talks; slides.
- Foundations of (∞,2)-category theory, a talk at the Women in Topology workshop at MSRI outlining a research program.
- Towards a synthetic theory of (∞,1)-categories given at the 2016 Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations of Mathematics at the Fields Institute.
- The formal theory of adjunctions, monads, algebras, and descent, from the workshop Reimagining the Foundations of Algebraic Topology at MSRI; slides.
- Limits of quasi-categories with (co)limits, from the Connections for Women workshop at MSRI.
- Homotopy coherent adjunctions, slides from the AMS Special Session on Homotopy Theory at the 2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- The formal theory of homotopy coherent monads, slides from the Samuel Eilenberg Centenary Conference.
General audience