Elements of ∞-Category Theory An ∞-Cosmos Compendium


Book cover image 'Elements of ∞-category theory'

The book Elements of ∞-Category Theory by Emily Riehl and Dom Verity has just been published (January 2022) by Cambridge University Press as volume 194 of the series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics.

This text is also available as a freely downloadable pre-publication version under the following terms:

This material has been published by Cambridge University Press as Elements of ∞-Category Theory by Emily Riehl and Dom Verity. This pre-publication version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.
© Emily Riehl and Dom Verity 2018-2021.

The original draft, which is no longer actively being edited, contained several additional chapters, which will re-appear later in a separate volume. Warning: improvements made to the primary text have not been propagated to this volume.