Elements of ∞-Category Theory An ∞-Cosmos Compendium


Emily Riehl

Emily Riehl is an associate professor of mathematics at Johns Hopkins University. She received her PhD from the University of Chicago and was a Benjamin Peirce and NSF postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. She is the author of Categorical Homotopy Theory (Cambridge 2014) and Category Theory in Context (Dover 2016), and a co-author of Fat Chance: Probability from 0 to 1 (Cambridge 2019). She and her present co-author have published ten articles over the course of the past decade that develop the new mathematics appearing in this book.

Dom Verity

Dom Verity started his computational career in the early 1980s as a software developer for the influential British personal computing pioneer Acorn Computers; the company that invented the now ubiquitous ARM microprocessor. He studied at the University of Cambridge (UK) and emerged from that institution in 1992 with a PhD in Pure Mathematics. From 1993-2000 he worked in the investment banking industry as a quantitative analyst in equity derivatives for Deutsche Bank Australia and as the Head of Equity Derivatives Trading for HSBC Australia.

He returned to academe at the turn of the new millennium, and since then has worked as a mathematician, computer scientist, and academic administrator at Macquarie University. His research interests lie in the mathematical fields of Homotopy Theory, sometimes known as “rubber sheet geometry,” Algebraic Topology and Category Theory, a kind of “theory of everything” for pure mathematics. His most cited paper introduced Traced Monoidal Categories, structures that have become a key component in modern accounts of iterative processes in traditional and quantum computation.

Dom is a passionate and engaging teacher and in 2011 he gained national recognition as an educator with the award of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning. Over the past two decades he has also been highly active in academic leadership roles and, most recently, he led Macquarie’s academic governance as Chair of its Academic Senate.